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It all started with a love for design and the want to continue doing what I love. If there is no passion behind what you do, why do it?
Justin Klanica

Owner of Out of Pocket Tees. Extremely passionate about the company and listening to others' creative inspirations.

Pocket Squad

Photo taken by Steve Alves

This company is open to customer creativity. We want to know what you want. The Out of Pocket name came from funding the website and products out of our own pocket in hopes that the business will continue to grow and make pockets that inspire fun and change in the world. Some might ask, what is that change? Our response is, it's a change of clothes. Just kidding, we are open to anyone who wants to submit designs to create change. We make pocket tees that stand out and if you want to stand out on an issue we want to support you. Reach out to us if you want to create something, whether it's for change or simply something awesome that catches the average pedestrian's eye. 

Our Openness to Creativity
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